Saturday, October 23, 2010

Gist of Bhagavad Gita ...Gopi Krishna

You are responsible for this life as well. You are one who caused it. Now, then, can you get rid of it? This body of yours is the fruit of the accumulated Karma of the past. Karma is the root cause of all our miseries. All those that are born – whether men, birds or beasts – suffer from the upshots of their previous Karma.

Unless one burns down the effects of one’s previous Karma, one cannot get be rid of the body. All people, rich and poor, and married ones, Sanyasis, and Vanaprasthas exist because of the life force running through them; so do different kinds of animals like horses, bulls, jackals, tigers, rhinos, hyenas, dogs, pigs, scorpions, snakes, ants, fleas and kites.

The same life force runs through all of them. Why, then, do these entities look different? Did you ever ponder this? If you do, y9u will realise that the reason lies in their past karma.

The animals are different because of their previous karma, their innate characteristics depending on the species they belong to. Thus, tigers eat flesh and pigs eat excreta, while hyenas dig out buried bodies and devour them. Kites and vultures feed on rotten bodies, while swans eat the tender leaves of the lotus plants.

Pain and pleasure , joy and sorrow are illusions. They are not real, although people think them to be real. Thanks to his previous Karma, one man feeds on delicacies, another feeds on dry bread, a third gets only stale food or worthless left-over. These who feed on stale food or worthless leftovers consider themselves unhappy, while those eating good food say that they have everything they need. The purpose of eating is to quench the fire in the stomach, no matter what one eats delicacies or leftover. Similarly, the purpose of covering one’s body, whether with delicate fabrics woven with gold thread or with rough garments made from the inner bark of trees, is to protect the body, nothing more. Thus joy and sorrow, pain and pleasure are simply ways of looking at things. They are, as I said, illusions and you should not be deceived by them. Illusory as they are, these feelings cannot exist without a cause, just as waves cannot exist without water or light without a lamp.

To get the knowledge (realisation) of the Self, Dhyana (meditation) is necessary. If you practice it continuously, the Vruttis (thoughts) will be pacified. Being quite desireless, you should meditate on teh Lordl Who is in all the creatures, and when the mind is concentrated, the goal will be achieved. Meditate always on my formless nature, which is knowledge incarnate, consciousness and bliss. If you cannot do this, meditate on my form from top to toe as you see here night and day. As you go on doing this, your Vruttis will concentrate on one point and the distinction between the Dhyata (meditor), Dhyana (act of meditation), Dhyeya (this meditated upon) will be lost and the meditator will be one with the consciousness and be merged in the Brahman. The (mother) tortoise is on one bank of the river, and her young ones are on the other side. She gives neither milk, nor warmth to them. Her mere glace gives them nutrition. The young ones of the tortoise do nothing, but remember (meditate upon) their mother. The tortoise glance is, to the young ones, a downpour of nectar, the only source of sustenance and happiness. Similarly is the relation, between the Guru and disciples.

I look after my devotees the way a tortoise look after her young ones, never taking my eyes off them.

One must surrender to Sadguru Sai with a clean slate, having no ideas of own, so that the Sadguru shall chalk out a plan and mould the being into a spiritual genius. The disciple must stand by the Sadguru always with Shraddha (faith and devotion) and carry out His instructions to the very word. When there is keen desire to surrender at His lotus feet, definitely the Sadguru comes forward with His practical instructions. The seed for the divine life is sown, and is watered it with nectarine stream of cosmic manifestation in the quest for liberation.

(Part from an article titled "Sadguru Sai". Conversation between the Sadguru Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi and His Disciple Nanasaheb Chandorkar – Part of an article from Dr. Subodh Agarwal in Shri Sai Leela, July-August 2010)


Pooja Anshumali Jain, Anju Thakral Makin and 20 others like this.
Madhava Rao YANTRAARUUDHANI MAYAA Every one and every thing is swayed as
though mounted on a machine.How to reconcile the past karma with
the divine Grace?
10 hours ago · 2 peopleLoading... ·
Dinesh Saxena thanks paritala ji for sharing,much regards always,dinesh
6 hours ago · 1 personLoading... ·
Paritala Gopi Krishna ‎@MR: Divine grace is always pouring, but we are blind, as we kept our vessel upside down. Open up to yourself and to HIM and I am sure, you will find it. May God guide and bless. Love and Love alone ....
6 hours ago · 2 peopleLoading... ·
Alan Jacobs very true! much L A L A thanks
6 hours ago · 2 peopleLoading... ·
Qamar Din Very nice
6 hours ago · 1 personLoading... ·
Hari Shirdi OM SAI RAM.Viveka is always...
5 hours ago · 2 peopleLoading... ·
Kalaivani Raamadas thank you mama.. needed that. This emoticon has been enhanced by Facicons
5 hours ago · 1 personLoading... ·
Mrityunjayanand Jee
Great contribution Paritala ji.It's so nice to see some notes from Bhagavad Gita on Face Book always floating now.A very big...big hands to all of you.

We discuss lot of quotations and observations simply but "How" hidden behind those saying...s always gets ignored.Now,I think,in the lamp post of Bhagavad Gita verses,this "How"will get solved.

If to find the main gist,these two verses always supports me a lot.

brahmaṇo hi pratiṣṭhāhamamṛtasyāvyayasya ca
śāśvatasya ca dharmasya sukhasyaikāntikasya ca......[14.27]

"For I am the one in which the eternal God, immortal life, the imperishable dharm, and the ultimate bliss all (abide)."

Enlightened sage is the dwelling of immortal God (through a single-minded access to whom the seeker is cured of all worldly maladies),of everlasting life,of eternal Dharm,and of the unblemished pure joy of attaining to the Supreme goal. In other words, a God-oriented saint is the abode of all this bliss. Such a sage was Sri Krishn-a yogi.

So if we are seeking for the ineffable, indestructible God, the eternal dharm, and the pure, ultimate bliss, we have to take refuge in some great Soul that dwells in the incommunicable essence. Only such a sage can enable a devotee to achieve what he is questing for.


sarvadharmān parityajya māmekaṁ śaraṇaṁ vraja
ahaṁ tvāṁ sarvapāpebhyo mokṣyayiṣyāmi mā śucaḥ.....[18.66]

"Grieve not,for l shall free you from all sins if you abandon all other obligations (dharm) and seek refuge in me alone."

I find this as gist of the gist and with out this nothing can be achieved or understood.Though I have been charged several times here on FB by so many learned scholars for singing this same and only in one tone .....
but this is the only which appeals to me as gist to sing by heart always.

Humble wishes.See More
5 hours ago · 3 peopleLoading... ·
Paritala Gopi Krishna ‎@MJ and all: The emphasis of Srimad Bhagavad Gita (SBGP is four fold and ultimately culminated into ONE. The five fold is: Dharma, Karma, Bhakti, Jnana and Tyaga and all this put together is Yoga and the ONE which is the culminating point of all is Surrender (18.66). Love and Love alone ....
5 hours ago · 4 peopleLoading... ·
Mrityunjayanand Jee True Paritala ji.Agreed.But without surrender.....Dharma, Karma, Bhakti, Jnana and Tyaga.....very difficult to get absorbed in true terms.
5 hours ago · 3 peopleLoading... ·
Anup Batra OM SAI RAM....may we ever remember the ONE...who brings us back from delusions and helps us realize the Self!
5 hours ago · 3 peopleLoading... ·
Hari Shirdi If we focus on mind, restlesnes will be there.If we roam in HEART, silence is...
5 hours ago · 2 peopleLoading... ·
Anup Batra This is so true....the best state is one in which we explore the beauty and joy within This emoticon has been enhanced by Facicons
5 hours ago · 1 personLoading... ·
Paritala Gopi Krishna ‎@MJ. True. That is the reason, I put "Surrender" at the end. These are the steps one has to climb, one after the other. Seldom you find a person, who is completely surrendered to the Lord. Once one fulfils these steps, one ultimately surrenders to the chosen God and then becomes immortal, culminating into that ONE. Love and Love alone ....
5 hours ago · 4 peopleLoading... ·
Paritala Gopi Krishna ‎@AB: The whole purpose of this exercise is to remember that ONE, so that we need not come back again and again, having merged into HIS Lotus Feet. Love and Love alone ....
5 hours ago · 4 peopleLoading... ·
Paritala Gopi Krishna ‎@HS: Use the same mind to roam in the Heart. Love and Love alone ...
5 hours ago · 2 peopleLoading... ·
Hari Shirdi SHRADDHA is more than using mind
5 hours ago · 3 peopleLoading... ·
Paritala Gopi Krishna ‎@HS: Shraddha comes from the same mind. And, saburi makes it to ripe. Love and Love alone ....
5 hours ago · 3 peopleLoading... ·
Paritala Gopi Krishna ‎@AB: Yes, very true, the more you explore within and find the more beauty within, the more you naturally exhibit, even without knowing. Then the joy becomes the way of life. Love and Love alone ....
4 hours ago · 3 peopleLoading... ·
Hari Shirdi In great SHRADDHA is no time
4 hours ago · 2 peopleLoading... ·
Paritala Gopi Krishna ‎@HS: Yes, in great Shraddha is no time. Let us become great first, then we can discuss about that state. Till then, let us be on the ground. Love and Love alone ....
4 hours ago · 2 peopleLoading... ·
Hari Shirdi sorry, its not about hurting ...
Like to go in SHRADDHA and SILENCE
4 hours ago · 1 personLoading... ·
Paritala Gopi Krishna ‎@HS: There is no question of hurting. In fact, what is the actual meaning of Shraddha -- it is not interest, as many people put it -- it is forbearance -- and saburi is not patience -- it is perseverance. These two are two legs to walk properly to HIS abode. And, once you walk and reach, there is nothing but silence only. But, till then, all these are words or mind play. So, before reaching, let us have the goal in front of you and keep the mind engaged to roam in the heart. There is no point in jumping. Love and Love alone ....
4 hours ago · 3 peopleLoading... ·
Anup Batra These discussions are meant for connecting on a cosmic level and we should try as far as possible not say anything that can make someone feel hurt...because it is ourselves we hurt really.
4 hours ago · 1 personLoading... ·
Paritala Gopi Krishna ‎@AB: There is no hurt feelings here. It is all in the process. Yes, true that discussions should educate us and make us more refined and simple in our approach. HE is very kind to bring us into the august company of such noble souls. So, no need to have any hard feelings or use harsh words. And, even if one does, one can excuse oneself or just ignore it. Life is to love not to hurt or get hurt while expressing oneself. Love and Love alone .....
4 hours ago · 2 peopleLoading... ·
Anju Thakral Makin this is very enlightening.. thanks for posting This emoticon has been enhanced by Facicons
4 hours ago · 2 peopleLoading... ·
Paritala Gopi Krishna ‎@Anju. You are most welcome. Keep contributing. The more the better. All are in HIS service. Love and Love alone ....
4 hours ago · 4 peopleLoading... ·
Gyan Rajhans Please read my article on the Gita's Relevance in Modern Times:
3 hours ago ·
Das RamanuyAcaria
El tiempo dedicado riendo es tiempo que pasa con los dioses. - Proverbio japonés

El Gita Relevancia en los tiempos modernos
POR Rajhans Gyan P. Eng.

...Sin duda, los hombres y mujeres modernos están muy por delante de las generaciones mayores en las posesiones materiales, la riqueza, el conocimiento de la ciencia, el espacio y la tecnología, sino en lo que es un precio muy alto? ¿No hemos convertido en almas inquietas e inquieto en la búsqueda de contenidos, la paz y la armonía? Pero el quid de la cuestión es: ¿Hay, de hecho, cualquier forma práctica a él? ¿Existen prácticas fácilmente

en medio de todos los enfermos prisa y, dividido objetivo posible y las controversias y distracciones de la vida contemporánea para la realización de la gloria suprema y la felicidad? Precisamente en respuesta a estas preguntas me he decidido a mostrar la importancia del Gita en los tiempos modernos.

El Bhagavad Gita (ver la inmensidad de las escrituras hindúes ), uno de los guías en todo el mundo escrituras hoy la vida de personas en todo el mundo en los tiempos modernos. Mahatma Gandhi es considerado como Madre a la que los niños (la humanidad), cuando volvió en peligro. En la literatura del mundo entero no hay ningún libro para elevar e inspirador como el Gita. Es una escritura universal de las personas de todos los temperamentos y de todos los tiempos.

La esencia del Gita

El ser humano es una combinación de tres factores fundamentales, a saber., Sentimiento, conocimiento y voluntad. Hay personas con tres tipos de temperamentos - el temperamento activo, lo emocional y lo racional. Por lo tanto, no son los tres yogas - Jnana Yoga para el hombre de la investigación y el autoanálisis o el temperamento racional. Bhakti Yoga para el hombre de temperamento emocional, y Karma Yoga para el hombre de temperamento activo. Un yoga es tan eficaz como el otro. El Gita formula la teoría de las tres rutas - la de Conocimiento del conocimiento). ( Bhakti (devoción) y Karma acción). (De acuerdo a sus enseñanzas, no hay conflicto entre los tres. Armoniza la filosofía de la acción, la devoción y el conocimiento. Los tres deben ser mezclados armoniosamente si se quiere alcanzar la perfección.

Relevancia en los tiempos modernos

El hombre moderno y la mujer en esta primera década del siglo 21 son en gran medida en la necesidad de una guía eficaz a la luz. Ellos están confundidos. Ellos están buscando a tientas. Ellos ven problemas en todas partes y no sólo las soluciones se encuentran en cualquier lugar. Él no sabe qué camino tomar, lo que por supuesto a adoptar y cómo avanzar hacia un mejor estado de cosas. Por lo tanto, su vida está llena de inquietud, la infelicidad y la complicación. El Bhagavad Gita contiene palabras de sabiduría y enseñanzas prácticas que contienen la respuesta a la mencionada condición anterior de la persona humana día presente.

El Bhagavad Gita es un mensaje dirigido a todos y cada individuo humano para ayudar a él o ella para resolver el espinoso problema de superar el presente y avanzar hacia un futuro brillante. Esta Sagrada Escritura no es sólo una "escritura de edad", ni es sólo un libro de "enseñanzas religiosas", o incluso un libro sagrado hindú. Trasciende los límites de cualquier religión o raza, y es en realidad la sabiduría divina dirigida a la humanidad para todos los tiempos, con el fin de ayudar a los seres humanos enfrentar y resolver el presente problemas cada vez de nacimiento y la muerte, del dolor, el sufrimiento, el miedo, la servidumbre, amor y odio. Se le permite al hombre ya la mujer para liberar a sí mismo de todos los factores limitantes y alcanzar el estado de perfecto equilibrio interior, la estabilidad interna y la paz mental, la libertad completa de la pena, el miedo y la ansiedad. Dentro de los 18 Gita capítulos se revela un drama humano. Esta es la experiencia de todos en este mundo, el drama de la ascensión del hombre de un estado de abatimiento, la tristeza y la ruptura total y la desesperanza a un estado de perfecta claridad, comprensión, renovada la fuerza y el triunfo.

Cada capítulo tiene para el hombre moderno y la mujer una nueva lección valiosa y da una nueva comprensión de una manera maravillosa. El misterio del hombre, este mundo y Dios se explica como quizás en ningún otro lugar. El funcionamiento de la mente humana - el verdadero problema a / su bienestar y la felicidad - la forma de superarlos, lo que el camino para la felicidad es también el camino a la muerte eterna, el secreto del dominio de sí mismo y la forma de los derechos humanos en medio de la paz y actividades - todo esto y más nos encontramos en este gran tesoro.

Gita no es solamente un excelente repositorio de la sabiduría antigua y el misticismo oriental esotérico. Tomemos, por ejemplo, el yoga como se describe anteriormente. Yoga, tanto la India se enorgullece de, está de acuerdo con el Gita ni una palabra místico o un término en su defecto, sino una simple lección y el deber de la vida que es fácil para los hombres y mujeres a la práctica sin recurrir a la reclusión, la austeridad y la renuncia de los derechos y obligaciones a sus familias, comunidades y países. Es decir, yoga pueden ser adoptados y se absorbe como un elemento de la rutina diaria de la vida al igual que varios otros elementos de la existencia cotidiana, y se practica incluso para un fragmento de tiempo, a pesar de, en medio de la presión fuerte de tiempo y una tremenda otras probabilidades y extremos. Hay, por tanto, apenas un libro, que yo sepa, que profuses hacer tanto normal hablar sobre temas como el Yoga, Karma y el logro de la felicidad.

Sugerencias para las generaciones modernas

Para el hombre moderno y la mujer, independientemente de sus creencias religiosas, me permito sugerir que él / ella lea cuidadosamente todo el libro una vez. Entonces él / ella debe comenzar una segunda vez. Tras la segunda lectura del mismo debe adoptar el método de la selectividad, no en la lectura, sino en lo que él / ella tiene de él. Tales cosas como parecen ser particularmente hindú y, por tanto, tal vez, no es aceptable para él o ella como una persona de otra religión, él / ella sólo puede pasar sin ser perturbado. Pero todo lo demás que es de un filosóficos, psicológicos, éticos y de naturaleza puramente psíquica que él / ella puede captar y asimilar en su totalidad. Él / ella será maravillosamente enriquecido y bendecido supremamente. Su vida se convertirá en nuevo desde ese momento. Todas las nubes se desvanecerán. Luz llenará el corazón y la mente. Felicito a este maravilloso regalo de Dios para cada hombre y la mujer modernos para su mayor bienestar o su bendición y supremo.

Columnas anteriores


Rajhans Gyan, un reconocido profesional de la salud y la seguridad internacional ha sido el único de radiodifusión no comerciales religión védica programa de radio en América del Norte desde 1981 y web de todo el mundo fundido en desde 1999. Rajhans Sr. Ha publicado extensamente sobre asuntos espirituales y religiosos. Algunos artículos están disponibles en el sitio web Bhajanawali. Ha traducido Sri Mad Bhagvad Gita en Inglés para la generación más joven. Rajhans Sr. ha sido conferido varios títulos, entre ellos el de Rishi por hindúes Prarthana Samaj de Toronto hindú Ratna por hindúes Federación de Toronto. Recibió un premio para el año 2005 en la categoría Internet - Opinión - por sus columnas de Espiritualidad en el sur de Asia electrónico de Outlook mensual, desde Canadá Periodistas y Escritores Club (CEJWC), ahora rebautizada como Canadá Medios de Comunicación Étnicos Asociación.See More
2 hours ago · 1 personLoading... ·
Pooja Anshumali Jain Beingness, doing ness and having ness are like a triangle where each side supports the others.They are not in conflict with each other.They all exist simultaneously.
2 hours ago ·
2 hours ago ·
Pooja Anshumali Jain Om Sai, Gopijee. PRANAAM. i SEEK YOUR bLESSINGS.
“Every problem has in it the seeds of its own solution. If you don’t have any problems, you don’t get any seeds.”
2 hours ago ·
Pooja Anshumali Jain Faith brings totality in you. It pulls together all the loose ends of your consciousness. It integrates your whole personality. Doubt scatters you. Doubt destroys you.
2 hours ago ·
Suresh C Sharma Thanks Gopi for providing this divine satsang. It will be more fruitful to have a regular satsang under the 'lamp-post of Gitaji'
2 hours ago · 1 personLoading... ·
Pooja Anshumali Jain Love , Gratitude , JoY , +EnergY in AbunDancE to You, GOPIJEE ~~~
2 hours ago ·
Hari Shirdi ‎"I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being." -- Hafiz
2 hours ago ·
Steven Steensels
As always, Gopi, thank you for bringing forth such fine reflection. I feel there are many ways to understand the above text. From 'Shraddha', 'Sadguru', to 'the Lord who is in all creatures' and 'surrender', these are all notions interpreta...ble from dualistic to more and better 'integrated' levels of understanding... Each will find the essence of his/her own being at a proper time. I'm not so sure 'karma' plays a decisive role into one's realization, for is our true nature not precisely that which is ever free from body, from cause and effect, from birth and death?
Love and Love alone.See More
2 hours ago ·
Gyan Rajhans Thank you very much Das RamanuyAcaria for translating my entire article on the Gita. What language is that? Many thanks regardless.
26 minutes ago ·

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