PRBS -Brief By Capt. Narayan Singh Rathore
Friends, PRBS appeared going smooth but it was ailing inside. Funds were not received by PRBS Trust on regular basis. We all know that "Additional Cash Contribution" against Monetised value of surrendered facilities (Uniform related items and Canteen subsidy) was Main Source for funding the Scheme but funds remained with ONGC or they were not accounted for by Managing Trustee. Therefore, financial collapse occurred. Trustees did not review Addl. Cash Contr. in accordance with prevailing Price Index of Commodities. Actuarial recommendations were ignored in totality. Pay Revision-1992 witnessed 78% rise in Salary but Addl. Cash Contr. was being paid at escalation of 7.25% only. This was position in early 1996.
2. Background behind MOU of 3.2.1998:
(a). Govt. Notification of 16.11.1995 for Compulsory implementation of EPS-1995;
(b). Govt. Notification of 10.1.1996 for Pay Revision-1992, which Entailed Pension on Revised Salary w.e.f. 1.1.1992 and
(c). Circular No.PRBS-38 dated 17.1.1996 for enhanced deduction of Fixed % Contr. on revised salary w.e.f. 1.1.1992.
3. (a). ONGC requested Exemption from Implementation of compulsory EPS-1995, with consideration that its Own Pension Scheme-PRBS- was more advantaompulsory for all Executives. Similar exercise was carried out through another MOU with Unions to make PRBS compulsory "In-lieu" of EPS-1995.
3. (b). ONGC did not want to grant Pension on Revised salary w.e.f. 1.1.1992. Finalisation of Pension cases was kept pending from January 1996, awaiting some Legal Wrangle to crop up. An Actuarial Valuation Report dated 2.8.1996 was arranged for use in Writ Petition No.1718/1996 in Bombay H.C. in August 1996. Hon'ble Court issued Ad-interim Order of 5.11.1996 for negotiation between ONGC & ASTO in association with Petitioners & local ASTO (MRBC), to "Raise additional funds" to save the Scheme;
3. (c). ONGC intended to avoid implementation of Cir. PRBS-38 of 17.1.1996, as it could cause large amount of recoveries from Arrears of Pay and also enhanced fixed % contr. in times to come.
4. To achieve above objectives, Writ Petition was used convinient Platform: Finalisation of Recommendations to "raise" Additional funds was inordinately delayed so that Focus cd. be shifted from Main Object of Raising/generating additional funds to freestyle re-structuring of PRBS. To achieve such derogatory, unfair, disadvantageous, discriminatory & prejudicial feats, MOU was signed in "Good Faith" as if negotiations for 17-18 months were not sufficient to examine Data/Statistics pertaning to Assets & Liabilities of PRBS Trust, arising from 1.4.1990. It was unique method of ascertaining "Financial Viability" of the Fund.
5. Recommendations made in MOU of 3.2.1998 were not only contrary to Court Order of 5.11.1996 but ensured "Un-viability" of Fund. Introduction of Notional Salary reduced existing Fixed % Contr. by 40 to 60 Percent and it also nullified Cir. No.PRBS-38 for enhanced recovery on Revised Salary w.e.f. 1.1.1992 & all future Pay Revisions.
6. Notional salary being nearly 40 to 60% of Actual salary, Pension benefit was also reduced to that extent.
7. Managing Trustee mis-used this opportunity to introduce some clauses which provided enormous scope for manipulations, mis-interpretations and discriminations. Para 5.1, 31.2 & 32 of Rules-1991 were totally rendered ineffective. PRBS was mutilated & demolished. MOU of 3.2.1998 was implemented under Cir. PRBS-40 of 18.6.1998 without approval of Comp. Authy.
8. Most dangerous consequence of MOU of 3.2.1998 was Managing Trustee assuming Absolute Power to Revise the PRBS in any manner, with no restrictions whatsoever. Conversion of existig "Pension Defined Scheme" into "Defined Corpus" is burning example. ONGC PRBS Trust did not purchase Annuity of Entitlement but remitted some Corpus to LIC. Pension of retired ONGCians was Fixed by LIC during January 1996 to March 2007. Another MOU of 9.4.2007 was manipulated to secretly Re.convert "Defined Corpus" into "Pension Defined Scheme" w.e.f. 1.4.2007. PRBS Trust of our beloved Maharatna considered such acts of violations as Legal & Legitimate, Just & Fair.
9. hope this clears the Clouds ?? Any specific question is most welcome.
Monday, March 19, 2012
By Badrinath Vasandi in EX-ONGCIANS ·
by Narayan Singh Rathore on Monday, November 14, 2011 at 4:00pm
1. DPE OM No.2 (70)/08-DPE (WC) dated 26th November 2008: -
“Para 12: Long Term Incentives, introduction of cost to the customer (CTC) concept in CPSEs, Pay of Executives on deputation / transfer to CPSEs, Pay of Government officers on deputation to CPSEs and Superannuation Benefits will be as per Annex.-IV.”
1.1. Para V of Annex.-IV:
“Superannuation Benefits: CPSEs would be allowed 30 of Basic Pay as Superannuation benefits, which may include Contributory Provident Fund (CPF), Gratuity, Pension and Post-Superannuation Medical Benefits. The CPSEs should make their own schemes to manage these funds or operate through Insurance companies on fixed contribution basis. The amount of Pension, Gratuity and Post-Retirement Benefit will be decided based on the returns from the schemes to be operated. The Pension and Medical benefits can be extended to those executives, who superannuate from the CPSE and have put in minimum of 15 years of service in the CPSE, prior to superannuation.”
2. DPE OM No. No.2 (70)/08-DPE (WC)/GL-VII/09 dated 2nd April, 2009:
“Para 2. The Government, after due consideration of the recommendations of the Committee of Ministers have decided further as follows:
(ii). Superannuation Benefit: The ceiling of 30% towards superannuation benefits would be calculated on Basic Pay plus DA instead of Basic Pay alone. Any superannuation benefit will be under a “defined contribution scheme” and not under a “defined pension scheme”. CPSE that do not have Superannuation scheme, may develop such scheme and obtain the approval of their Administrative Ministry. However, no other superannuation benefit can be granted out side this 30% ceiling. (para 12, Annex.-IV (v) of OM dated 26.11.2008 refers).”
3. DPE OM No.2 (81)/08-DPE (WC)/GL-IXI/2011 dated 20 July,2011:
“Para 2:
(i). Administrative Ministry/Department may consider creating a common corpus for the retired employees of the CPSEs, under their Administrative control. The purpose of the corpus would be to take care of medical and any other emergency needs of retired employees.
(ii). Each CPSE under their Administrative Ministry/Department, to contribute not more than 1.5% of its PBT for the above said corpus.
(iii). A Committee, headed by an independent Director, to be decided by Ministry/ Department may be formed by the respective Administrative Ministry/Department for implementation of said corpus.
(iv). Scheme based on individual CPSE as conveyed in OM dated 8.7.2009 to continue but basic conditions like not more than 1.5% PBT (whether Ministry/Department based and or individual “CPSE” based) and no budgetary support by Government would apply to the Ministry/Department based scheme proposed now. Therefore, there may be a situation, where a CPSE under a Ministry/Department may have a separate scheme for its employees, but at the same time contribute to common corpus for retired employees of other CPSEs under Administrative Ministry/Department. In such cases also the total contribution will not exceed 1.55 of PBT of a particular financial year. For individual CPSE based scheme, constitution of Committee will be that as already indicated in para 5(iii) of OM dated 8.2.2009.
(v). Purpose of the scheme (individual of common corpus under a Ministry/Department for its CPSEs) to be as per from 2(i) above. The scheme may be implemented preferably through approved Insurance companies. It is clarified that scheme should not become a defined benefit pensionery scheme.
(vi). Benefits under the Scheme may vary from year to year depending upon the contribution by CPSE(s) in a particular year as the contribution is in turn dependent on the profits, affordability and sustainability of the CPSE s) concerned.
(vii). Such Corpus will cover only those employees of CPSEs, who retired prior to 1.1.2007
Para 3. Administrative Ministries/Departments may suitably issue instructions to CPSEs under their administrative control for their information and necessary action.
This issues with the approval of Minister (HL & PE).”
3. Extract from Presentation made by Director, DPE in Workshop on 16.11.2011:
“Committee recommended upto 30 % of basic pay towards superannuation benefit after providing for PF and gratuity a buffer available for pension and/ or post retirement benefits. This was available only for those who superannuate after 15 years service in a CPSE.
Corpus from 1.5% PBT be created by CPSE for medical and any other emergency needs for retired executives and also those who were not adequately covered by a pension scheme.
Creation of Corpus was provided for benefit of those who had no support system like pension or medical benefit scheme. However, for those retiring after 1.1.2007, superannuation benefits upto 30% of basic pay + DA was provided which include CPF, Gratuity, Pension and Post Superannuation medical benefits.”
a) Since ONGC did not have its own contributory Pension Scheme, it could formulate an independent Pension Scheme. Corpus to be created from 1.5% PBT of Previous year (s). Superannuation benefits at 30% of Basic + DA included CPF, Gratuity and Medical benefit. Amount remaining as buffer from the Corpus could be used for Pension with approval of Ministry of P& NG. Incidentally, ONGC being a Maharatna Company, it is expected to make contribution to the Common Corpus under Ministry of P& NG, out of 1.5% PBT.
(a-i). This Pension Scheme being fully supported by ONGC’s own Contribution, other Schemes like PRBS & EPS-95 are not to be linked.
By Badrinath Vasandi in EX-ONGCIANS ·
by Narayan Singh Rathore on Monday, November 14, 2011 at 4:00pm
1. DPE OM No.2 (70)/08-DPE (WC) dated 26th November 2008: -
“Para 12: Long Term Incentives, introduction of cost to the customer (CTC) concept in CPSEs, Pay of Executives on deputation / transfer to CPSEs, Pay of Government officers on deputation to CPSEs and Superannuation Benefits will be as per Annex.-IV.”
1.1. Para V of Annex.-IV:
“Superannuation Benefits: CPSEs would be allowed 30 of Basic Pay as Superannuation benefits, which may include Contributory Provident Fund (CPF), Gratuity, Pension and Post-Superannuation Medical Benefits. The CPSEs should make their own schemes to manage these funds or operate through Insurance companies on fixed contribution basis. The amount of Pension, Gratuity and Post-Retirement Benefit will be decided based on the returns from the schemes to be operated. The Pension and Medical benefits can be extended to those executives, who superannuate from the CPSE and have put in minimum of 15 years of service in the CPSE, prior to superannuation.”
2. DPE OM No. No.2 (70)/08-DPE (WC)/GL-VII/09 dated 2nd April, 2009:
“Para 2. The Government, after due consideration of the recommendations of the Committee of Ministers have decided further as follows:
(ii). Superannuation Benefit: The ceiling of 30% towards superannuation benefits would be calculated on Basic Pay plus DA instead of Basic Pay alone. Any superannuation benefit will be under a “defined contribution scheme” and not under a “defined pension scheme”. CPSE that do not have Superannuation scheme, may develop such scheme and obtain the approval of their Administrative Ministry. However, no other superannuation benefit can be granted out side this 30% ceiling. (para 12, Annex.-IV (v) of OM dated 26.11.2008 refers).”
3. DPE OM No.2 (81)/08-DPE (WC)/GL-IXI/2011 dated 20 July,2011:
“Para 2:
(i). Administrative Ministry/Department may consider creating a common corpus for the retired employees of the CPSEs, under their Administrative control. The purpose of the corpus would be to take care of medical and any other emergency needs of retired employees.
(ii). Each CPSE under their Administrative Ministry/Department, to contribute not more than 1.5% of its PBT for the above said corpus.
(iii). A Committee, headed by an independent Director, to be decided by Ministry/ Department may be formed by the respective Administrative Ministry/Department for implementation of said corpus.
(iv). Scheme based on individual CPSE as conveyed in OM dated 8.7.2009 to continue but basic conditions like not more than 1.5% PBT (whether Ministry/Department based and or individual “CPSE” based) and no budgetary support by Government would apply to the Ministry/Department based scheme proposed now. Therefore, there may be a situation, where a CPSE under a Ministry/Department may have a separate scheme for its employees, but at the same time contribute to common corpus for retired employees of other CPSEs under Administrative Ministry/Department. In such cases also the total contribution will not exceed 1.55 of PBT of a particular financial year. For individual CPSE based scheme, constitution of Committee will be that as already indicated in para 5(iii) of OM dated 8.2.2009.
(v). Purpose of the scheme (individual of common corpus under a Ministry/Department for its CPSEs) to be as per from 2(i) above. The scheme may be implemented preferably through approved Insurance companies. It is clarified that scheme should not become a defined benefit pensionery scheme.
(vi). Benefits under the Scheme may vary from year to year depending upon the contribution by CPSE(s) in a particular year as the contribution is in turn dependent on the profits, affordability and sustainability of the CPSE s) concerned.
(vii). Such Corpus will cover only those employees of CPSEs, who retired prior to 1.1.2007
Para 3. Administrative Ministries/Departments may suitably issue instructions to CPSEs under their administrative control for their information and necessary action.
This issues with the approval of Minister (HL & PE).”
3. Extract from Presentation made by Director, DPE in Workshop on 16.11.2011:
“Committee recommended upto 30 % of basic pay towards superannuation benefit after providing for PF and gratuity a buffer available for pension and/ or post retirement benefits. This was available only for those who superannuate after 15 years service in a CPSE.
Corpus from 1.5% PBT be created by CPSE for medical and any other emergency needs for retired executives and also those who were not adequately covered by a pension scheme.
Creation of Corpus was provided for benefit of those who had no support system like pension or medical benefit scheme. However, for those retiring after 1.1.2007, superannuation benefits upto 30% of basic pay + DA was provided which include CPF, Gratuity, Pension and Post Superannuation medical benefits.”
a) Since ONGC did not have its own contributory Pension Scheme, it could formulate an independent Pension Scheme. Corpus to be created from 1.5% PBT of Previous year (s). Superannuation benefits at 30% of Basic + DA included CPF, Gratuity and Medical benefit. Amount remaining as buffer from the Corpus could be used for Pension with approval of Ministry of P& NG. Incidentally, ONGC being a Maharatna Company, it is expected to make contribution to the Common Corpus under Ministry of P& NG, out of 1.5% PBT.
(a-i). This Pension Scheme being fully supported by ONGC’s own Contribution, other Schemes like PRBS & EPS-95 are not to be linked.
Harrassment of retirees of ONGC - Mathre Rangarajan's letter to NHRC
Letter of Mr. Mathre Rangarajan to NHRC
By Badrinath Vasandi in EX-ONGCIANS · Edit Doc · Delete
M. Rangarajan,
(retired Group General Manager ONGC)
Chellaghatta village,
Bangalore – 560037.
Phone: 25227955, mobile 9945091581
e-mail: /
No: HRC-1/2011 dated 12th December 2011
Hon Justice Sri K G Balakrishnan,
National Human Rights Commission,
Faridkot House,
Copernicus Marg,
New Nelhi - 110001
SUB: Human Rights Violation of 21000+ Retired Employees (Elders – Senior citizens) by M/s Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. (a Maharatna company) - Request for Intervention and Justice
About 21000 employees retired anytime between 1985 to Dec 2006 who are the real backbones of ONGC (age group 65 to 85+ years) are struggling for their survival due to general apathy and negative mindset of ONGC Management who repeatedly utters that “once an employee retires, all his connections with the Corporation are severed immediately”. As all our appeals to ONGC failed, retirees were forced to approach Bombay High Court by a writ petition filed by “All India ONGC Ex Employees Welfare Association, Mumbai” on their behalf in 2003. Out of these 21000 retired employees about 1500-2000 have already expired during last 8 years, pending disposal of a discrimination case in Bombay High Court.
These retirees are the Pioneers who built ONGC from scratch and nurtured it with their blood and sweat when it was an infant. We also have all those responsible for bringing India on the Oil Map of the world. Our members also comprises of those responsible for the discovery of Oil & Natural Gas as well as its Production from various Onshore as well as Offshore fields including Mumbai High. We also have retirees from ONGC Videsh Ltd. who converted it from loss making to highest profit making arm of ONGC. Our retirees are highly qualified and experienced in various activities of E&P Industry. We are ex-ONGCians who contributed in creating India’s most valuable Maha --ratna Oil Company.
The majority of these retirees are not in receipt of any old age benefit from their ex-employer ONGC and are fully dependent on their kiths and kins for survival and some of them are virtually starving. Most of these retirees are without any financial support for 5 to 25 years after retirement. Only a handful of them, approximately 3000 persons are covered by Agrani Samman, an Ex-Gratia Scheme, but their condition is also pitiable due to a meager amount received by them which is not even sufficient to live a dignified life without external support in today’s high cost of living.
Brief of Agrani Samman Ex Gratia Case
ONGC realized that its retired employees are in very difficult financial condition and introduced an Ex-Gratia monthly payment scheme called “Agrani Samman”, by Late CMD Shri Subir Raha wef 1st Jan 2003 based on Shri T.N. Seshan’s Report. The objective was to provide some financial support to the Pioneers so that they can lead a dignified retired life. While framing his recommendations Shri T N Seshan got influenced by an ex-director ONGC and submitted a scheme which is not only discriminatory but also violated the provisions of Indian Constitution viz. Art 14 - right to equality and Art 16 - right to justice, by introducing arbitrary cut off dates, unwanted and illegal riders and deductions of retirees own money, from the meager amount of relief provided to about 3000 retirees. These arbitrary cut off dates and illegal deductions from retirees own money has already been rejected by Supreme Court in several famous cases. The total amount spent towards “Agrani Samman” the Ex-Gratia scheme for these 3000 retirees annually is less than Rs 10 Crores (as per RTI reply). As per the “Agrani Samman” Ex-Gratia Scheme implemented by ONGC wef 1st Jan 2003, the retirees were subdivided into four slabs based on their respective ranks just before retirement as follows and were entitled to the modest Ex Gratia amount christened as “Agrani Samman”:
Slab I : Retired Class IV and Class III levels : Rs 1500+DA
Slab II : Retired executives from E0 to E-3 levels : Rs 3000+DA
Slab III : Retired executives from E-4 to E-6 levels : Rs 4500+DA
Slab IV : Retired executives from E-7 to CMD level : Rs 6000+DA
Illegal and Arbitrary Riders:
1. The 100% beneficiaries of above amounts as per the slabs were granted only to those retirees who joined ONGC prior to 15th Oct 1959 irrespective of their date of retirement and have completed 20 years of service. All those between 10 to 20 years of service were considered for pro-rata benefits
2. Out of the above beneficiaries who were in receipt of pension from their earlier employer or PRBS interest on their own money from LIC were entitled for only the balance amount of above mentioned “Agrani Samman” after deduction of his own money (illegal deductions).
3. The spouse of the deceased eligible employee was given 50% “Agrani Samman”.
4. All those employees who joined ONGC after 14th Oct 1959 and retired upto 31st March 1991 were entitled for 50% of the entitlement as in point 1 (case of illegal arbitrary discrimination).
5. All those who joined ONGC on or after 15th Oct 1959 and retired any time after 31st March 1959 are totally deprived of any benefit (case of illegal discrimination) irrespective of their length of service.
The illegal and arbitrary riders (discriminatory as per law) provided by ONGC management deprived a majority of retires numbering about 18000 and also resulted in a meager benefit to about 2000 eligible retirees.
The plea for justice by these retired employees to ONGC Management fell on deaf ears due to negative attitude of the Concerned Director HR which lead the retired employees/officers associations throughout ONGC to join together and file WP 6593/2003 at Bombay High Court. While the case was in court, instead of solving the vexed issue of “Agrani Samman” by involving the petitioner association, ONGC again violated the law and introduced an illegal and discriminatory PRBS based defined pension scheme for its retirees of 2007 onwards probably to cover themselves with much superior benefits than “Agrani Samman”. It clearly shows as to how much regards they have for the law and for their elders who handed them the most profitable Maharatna Company built out of their blood and sweat on a platter with golden spoons in their hands. After receiving the wealth in their hands the management started showing its true colours and instead of treating these elders as members of the family completely disowned them like an unworthy son.
In March 2008 our case on “Agrani Samman” WP 6593/2003 came up for final hearing in Bombay High Court and was disposed off in the form of an agreement as ONGC agreed to consider the same as per law within 3 months in front of the Divisional Bench. After end of 3 months ONGC backed out from its own commitment given in front of Divisional Bench.
This illegal action of ONGC forced us to file a fresh case WP/531/2009 in Bombay High Court. No one knows how much time this fresh case will take to get justice but one thing is sure that it will take some more casualities and deprive them justice for ever. Taking advantage of inordinate delay in Bombay High Court, ONGC continued its illegal practices of depriving the elders of all their legitimate dues by discriminating them with the unlawful arbitrary cut off dates in all subsequent schemes.
It is really sad that the #1 profit making Maharatna Company has all its elders among the BPL (Below Poverty Line) families as per GOI guidelines.
• ONGC be directed through the administrative ministry for out of Court settlement in long pending “Agrani Samman” case amicably with the Petitioner Association, who have the absolute mandate from all other retired employees/officers associations for dealing in “Agrani Samman” on behalf of all retirees, at the earliest before some more retirees die waiting for justice. They should also be directed to remove total discrimination among the homogenous group of retirees by deleting all illegal clauses like arbitrary cut of dates and unlawful deductions from the date of implementation of the scheme.
• ONGC may also be directed to abide by the law and put on hold any revision in the 2007 PRBS Defined Pension Scheme pending settlement of “Agrani Samman” Scheme, since their 2007 PRBS Defined Pension Scheme is now part of the documents submitted in Bombay High Court WP/531/2009 and the matter is subjudice. Any change in 2007 scheme will have to wait disposal of WP 531/2009 by the Bombay High Court or a negotiated settlement with Petitioner Association.
• ONGC should also be advised to formulate a single D.A. Linked Transparent Pension Scheme for all retirees past as well as future w.e.f. 1st January 2007 to maintain uniformity instead of having multiple schemes to avoid corruption in future.
Humbly submitted for your kind and urgent consideration.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
(m. rangarajan)
On behalf of 21000+ silently suffering retirees of ONGC
Copy to:
1. Smt Sonia Gandhi, MP, Chairperson, United Front Government, 10, Janpath, New Delhi – 110011.
2. Sri Manmohan Singh, Hon Prime Minister, 7, Race Course Road, New Delhi – 110011.
3. Sri Lal Krishna Advani, MP, 30, Prithviraj Road, New Delhi – 110011.
4. Sri Jaipal Reddy, Hon Minister of Petroleum & Natural Gas, 8, Tees January Marg, New Delhi – 110011.
5. Secretary, Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievences, 5th floor, Sardar Patel Bhavan, New Delhi – 110001.
6. Sri Sudhir Vasudeva, CMD, ONGC, Jeevan Bharti Tower II, 124, Indira Chowk, New Delhi - 110001
Like · Unfollow Post · December 14, 2011 at 4:58pm
Prem Sagar Gupta and Inder Chatta like this.
Srinivas C. Komanduri
Dear Rangarajan,
I appreciate the initiative you have taken and written such nice letter. I feel you should be following up with details of some of the scheme which you mentioned in the letter like PRBS 2003, PRBS2007, Agrani Samman and o...See More
December 14, 2011 at 9:13pm via · Like
Badrinath Vasandi we should be proud being led by people like mr Mathre Rangarajan..thanks for his initiative..
December 15, 2011 at 10:06am · Like · 1
Mathre Rangarajan
Thank you Sri Srinivas Kamanduri Saheb for your kind words - Even if attach
all relevant documents, it will be difficult for an unconnected person to understand - If NHRC want any clarification or explanation, we can submit
it when they tak...See More
December 15, 2011 at 12:12pm via · Unlike · 1
Jauhari Lal
Dear Sirs,
Once again I daresay that this is the free forum for everyone to write any thing one likes and write to any authority they want without understanding whether they have any role to play. No one is authorized to write anythin...See More
December 16, 2011 at 6:00pm via · Unlike · 7
Erippanal Damodaran Respected Jauhari Lal Sir,Greetings of the Day!
Thank you Sir, for your kind guidance on the postings on this forum. Also thank you for the update of our pending case with the Ministry. We look forward for your kind advice and guidance further too. With kind Regards..
December 16, 2011 at 6:57pm · Like
Inder Chatta A very good encourraging and hope full information ,I onbehalf of my co-suferers hole heartedly am thankful to you Shri Johri Lal ji,hope you and the other associates shall see the scheme through to reach the benifits to all of us.
December 16, 2011 at 7:19pm · Like · 1
Mathre Rangarajan
Respected Jauhari Lal Saheb,
I have a feeling that you are referring to my appeal to NHRC with copies to others - I have re-read the appeal again and again, I don't find any
derogatory remarks. I have made only factual statement.
...See More
December 17, 2011 at 4:10pm via · Unlike · 6
Prem Sagar Gupta Solute to you Dear Mathre Rangarajan for explaining ,this is the true condition of 99 % of the honest retires of ongc between 1995 to 2007,God bless you,every one has to appear in his court for explanation one destine day not fr away.
December 17, 2011 at 4:35pm · Like · 2
Erippanal Damodaran Respected Mahtre Mathre Rangarajan Sir, I think you have made a realistic account of the pathetic condition of Ex-ONGCians in an emotional way. The element of emotion is a reality.
Even a retired bank employ gets a dignified pension...
May God bless you with good health for some more years to see at least what the out put of this present efforts and promises.
With that prayer and kind regards...
December 17, 2011 at 5:52pm · Unlike · 1
Prem Sagar Gupta
Respected sh Jauhari Lal ji,sir first of all your delegation visit to the sh P.K.Sinha is highly encouraging,and your team needs all the best wishes of serving the exongcians but sir why some one in ongc india not been doing any thing,if ...See More
December 17, 2011 at 8:35pm · Like
Narayan Singh Rathore
Friends, we are very anxious about hopes of some proposal under consideration. What happens if proposal is agreed but ONGC does not comply with the approved conditions ? You may be cursing me for raising such hypothetical question ! I am re...See More
December 18, 2011 at 3:26pm · Unlike · 3
Prem Sagar Gupta I entirely agree Capt Narayan Singh Rathore,to err is human,every one commits mistakes but one who recorrects is even appreciated by every one,it is still time for ongc india to take stock and act quickly,god bless.
December 18, 2011 at 3:31pm · Like
Narayan Singh Rathore
If we go thru MOU of 9.4.2007, it says "Following amendments have been made to the ONGC Self Contributory Post Retirement & Death in Service Benefit Rules, 1991." Para 32 of PRBS Rules provides that Rules could be amended provided the alter...See More
December 18, 2011 at 3:58pm · Like · 1
Narayan Singh Rathore
Dr. Jauhari Lal Sir, I fully appreciate your stand that no one can sign a document on behalf of all retirees of ONGC unless one is elected & duly authorised to do so. Sir, one thing has to be appreciated that some times anguish turns into a...See More
December 18, 2011 at 4:23pm · Like · 2
Prem Sagar Gupta
December 18, 2011 at 4:58pm · Like
Nirmal Kumar Srivastava
Excellent response by Mathre Rangarajan to the posting of Dr.Jauhari Lal who instead of appreciating his selfless action of a Crusader like Anna Hazare...started fuming by challanging his authority and language of his appeal.From the wordin...See More
December 18, 2011 at 6:39pm · Unlike · 2
Prem Sagar Gupta i happened to see your article on yahoo facebook for Agrani samman addressed to human right commission 2/3 days back was well explained with reasons of the greatest discriminations ever could happen by any PSU,
December 18, 2011 at 10:03pm · Like
Mathre Rangarajan
I fully agree and endorse the view expressed by Dr Jauhari Lal Saheb:
*"On one hand we are requesting the management to look into our grievances
but such letters are just provocative."*
...See More
December 19, 2011 at 1:42pm via · Like · 1
Mathre Rangarajan One major correction - I have made a blunder in using the the expression
"After all are beggars" - I have no authority to use word "WE" - I am not
an elected representative - So please correct that sentence to "After all I
am a beggar" - Dr Jauhari Lal Shaeb will have serious objection to it. - I
am sorry.
You may add 'several NGOs' after 'Mahila Samithi'
December 19, 2011 at 2:23pm via · Unlike · 2
December 19, 2011 at 2:56pm · Unlike · 1
December 19, 2011 at 3:09pm · Like
Subhash Jetly Angered perhaps, by this suffocating drag along expression----the crux of bullying the cause of unification.
December 20, 2011 at 12:37pm · Unlike · 2
Jauhari Lal
Dear Sh Rangarajan,
I am restraining myself to prolonging comments and counter comments. A number of Ongcians had been writing to various authorities in the past and I never reacted. You held a very senior positions and I feel that a ...See More
December 20, 2011 at 7:44pm via · Unlike · 2
Amitabha Banerjee Dear Shri Jauhari Lal,regards. I am sorry to intervene,but compelled to opine with all humbleness that 'so called' frustrated letters by many to ONGC Authorities are really out of mere FRUSTRATION caused due to indifferent attitude of the management of the past,and present,too.Or,else,how can a serving Director/HR say in open that 'once an employee retires ,he is practically a NOBODY to the Organisation....
December 20, 2011 at 9:09pm · Like · 2
Amitabha Banerjee
contd...Kindly try to understand,irrespective of ur opinion regarding all Board Members having sympathy to our cause....we are not,at this age,are looking for Sympathies....we are demanding justice and some pay-back by ONGC as recognition f...See More
December 20, 2011 at 9:31pm · Like
Prem Sagar Gupta Dear Amitabha Banerjee these are not only your opinion but all of us"we are not,at this age,are looking for Sympathies....we are demanding justice and some pay-back by ONGC as recognition for our selfless contribution towards growth of this Organisation to this level"very very selective few words to convey sr citizens point of view,i solute you once again.
December 20, 2011 at 9:47pm · Like
Mathre Rangarajan
Thank you very much Dr Jauhari Lal Saheb for you kind mail and very kind
words - I am touched - I was very hurt that you did not e-mil me directly
in the first instance. Now that we understand each other and there are no
hard feelings - I k...See More
December 20, 2011 at 9:52pm via · Like · 2
Prem Sagar Gupta Thanks Dear .Mathre Rangarajan ,we all appreciate your appeal
December 20, 2011 at 9:58pm · Like
Narayan Singh Rathore
Friends, good morning. We in Indians read philosophy, consume philosophy, practise philosophy and tolerate nuisance to the extent it starts cracking us. Swami Vivekananda openly denounced British policy of preaching religion thru Missionari...See More
December 21, 2011 at 4:55am · Like · 2
Amitabha Banerjee Thanks PS Gupta jee,nice to feel that I am not Frustrated alone.....
December 21, 2011 at 10:53am · Like · 2
Badrinath Vasandi whatsoever the problem if one remains active there is nothing like frustration.....Mr. Nirmal Kumar Srivastava and Capt. Narayan Singh
Rathore would testify my statement...frustration is some thing for lazy, week and inactive person...I fully agree with Mr. Rathore that CMD is not to be made known for the wrong done...but also to compel him to redress the things..
December 21, 2011 at 11:01am · Like · 2
Amitabha Banerjee Good thing about this ex-ongcians'net is that one get unsolicited ad vices having any validity to original reference.....
December 21, 2011 at 11:34am · Unlike · 2
Badrinath Vasandi Mr. Amitabha Banerjee...this forum is for this very purpose...all these advices and submissions are for common cause....some may like some things and some may not.....but i fail to understand what prompted u to o make such comments...what is purpose....each and every members here is very respectable...let him to express....
December 21, 2011 at 11:40am · Like · 1
Prem Sagar Gupta Dear sh Amitabha Banerjee & sh Badrinath Vasandi ji,there is no difference in undersatanding between you both except refs to validity to original refs,i will invite both of you in Ahmedabad on new year day for a get togather,which is missing,we must organise such meets say once in three of luck sir.
December 21, 2011 at 8:47pm · Like · 1
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By Badrinath Vasandi in EX-ONGCIANS · Edit Doc · Delete
M. Rangarajan,
(retired Group General Manager ONGC)
Chellaghatta village,
Bangalore – 560037.
Phone: 25227955, mobile 9945091581
e-mail: /
No: HRC-1/2011 dated 12th December 2011
Hon Justice Sri K G Balakrishnan,
National Human Rights Commission,
Faridkot House,
Copernicus Marg,
New Nelhi - 110001
SUB: Human Rights Violation of 21000+ Retired Employees (Elders – Senior citizens) by M/s Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. (a Maharatna company) - Request for Intervention and Justice
About 21000 employees retired anytime between 1985 to Dec 2006 who are the real backbones of ONGC (age group 65 to 85+ years) are struggling for their survival due to general apathy and negative mindset of ONGC Management who repeatedly utters that “once an employee retires, all his connections with the Corporation are severed immediately”. As all our appeals to ONGC failed, retirees were forced to approach Bombay High Court by a writ petition filed by “All India ONGC Ex Employees Welfare Association, Mumbai” on their behalf in 2003. Out of these 21000 retired employees about 1500-2000 have already expired during last 8 years, pending disposal of a discrimination case in Bombay High Court.
These retirees are the Pioneers who built ONGC from scratch and nurtured it with their blood and sweat when it was an infant. We also have all those responsible for bringing India on the Oil Map of the world. Our members also comprises of those responsible for the discovery of Oil & Natural Gas as well as its Production from various Onshore as well as Offshore fields including Mumbai High. We also have retirees from ONGC Videsh Ltd. who converted it from loss making to highest profit making arm of ONGC. Our retirees are highly qualified and experienced in various activities of E&P Industry. We are ex-ONGCians who contributed in creating India’s most valuable Maha --ratna Oil Company.
The majority of these retirees are not in receipt of any old age benefit from their ex-employer ONGC and are fully dependent on their kiths and kins for survival and some of them are virtually starving. Most of these retirees are without any financial support for 5 to 25 years after retirement. Only a handful of them, approximately 3000 persons are covered by Agrani Samman, an Ex-Gratia Scheme, but their condition is also pitiable due to a meager amount received by them which is not even sufficient to live a dignified life without external support in today’s high cost of living.
Brief of Agrani Samman Ex Gratia Case
ONGC realized that its retired employees are in very difficult financial condition and introduced an Ex-Gratia monthly payment scheme called “Agrani Samman”, by Late CMD Shri Subir Raha wef 1st Jan 2003 based on Shri T.N. Seshan’s Report. The objective was to provide some financial support to the Pioneers so that they can lead a dignified retired life. While framing his recommendations Shri T N Seshan got influenced by an ex-director ONGC and submitted a scheme which is not only discriminatory but also violated the provisions of Indian Constitution viz. Art 14 - right to equality and Art 16 - right to justice, by introducing arbitrary cut off dates, unwanted and illegal riders and deductions of retirees own money, from the meager amount of relief provided to about 3000 retirees. These arbitrary cut off dates and illegal deductions from retirees own money has already been rejected by Supreme Court in several famous cases. The total amount spent towards “Agrani Samman” the Ex-Gratia scheme for these 3000 retirees annually is less than Rs 10 Crores (as per RTI reply). As per the “Agrani Samman” Ex-Gratia Scheme implemented by ONGC wef 1st Jan 2003, the retirees were subdivided into four slabs based on their respective ranks just before retirement as follows and were entitled to the modest Ex Gratia amount christened as “Agrani Samman”:
Slab I : Retired Class IV and Class III levels : Rs 1500+DA
Slab II : Retired executives from E0 to E-3 levels : Rs 3000+DA
Slab III : Retired executives from E-4 to E-6 levels : Rs 4500+DA
Slab IV : Retired executives from E-7 to CMD level : Rs 6000+DA
Illegal and Arbitrary Riders:
1. The 100% beneficiaries of above amounts as per the slabs were granted only to those retirees who joined ONGC prior to 15th Oct 1959 irrespective of their date of retirement and have completed 20 years of service. All those between 10 to 20 years of service were considered for pro-rata benefits
2. Out of the above beneficiaries who were in receipt of pension from their earlier employer or PRBS interest on their own money from LIC were entitled for only the balance amount of above mentioned “Agrani Samman” after deduction of his own money (illegal deductions).
3. The spouse of the deceased eligible employee was given 50% “Agrani Samman”.
4. All those employees who joined ONGC after 14th Oct 1959 and retired upto 31st March 1991 were entitled for 50% of the entitlement as in point 1 (case of illegal arbitrary discrimination).
5. All those who joined ONGC on or after 15th Oct 1959 and retired any time after 31st March 1959 are totally deprived of any benefit (case of illegal discrimination) irrespective of their length of service.
The illegal and arbitrary riders (discriminatory as per law) provided by ONGC management deprived a majority of retires numbering about 18000 and also resulted in a meager benefit to about 2000 eligible retirees.
The plea for justice by these retired employees to ONGC Management fell on deaf ears due to negative attitude of the Concerned Director HR which lead the retired employees/officers associations throughout ONGC to join together and file WP 6593/2003 at Bombay High Court. While the case was in court, instead of solving the vexed issue of “Agrani Samman” by involving the petitioner association, ONGC again violated the law and introduced an illegal and discriminatory PRBS based defined pension scheme for its retirees of 2007 onwards probably to cover themselves with much superior benefits than “Agrani Samman”. It clearly shows as to how much regards they have for the law and for their elders who handed them the most profitable Maharatna Company built out of their blood and sweat on a platter with golden spoons in their hands. After receiving the wealth in their hands the management started showing its true colours and instead of treating these elders as members of the family completely disowned them like an unworthy son.
In March 2008 our case on “Agrani Samman” WP 6593/2003 came up for final hearing in Bombay High Court and was disposed off in the form of an agreement as ONGC agreed to consider the same as per law within 3 months in front of the Divisional Bench. After end of 3 months ONGC backed out from its own commitment given in front of Divisional Bench.
This illegal action of ONGC forced us to file a fresh case WP/531/2009 in Bombay High Court. No one knows how much time this fresh case will take to get justice but one thing is sure that it will take some more casualities and deprive them justice for ever. Taking advantage of inordinate delay in Bombay High Court, ONGC continued its illegal practices of depriving the elders of all their legitimate dues by discriminating them with the unlawful arbitrary cut off dates in all subsequent schemes.
It is really sad that the #1 profit making Maharatna Company has all its elders among the BPL (Below Poverty Line) families as per GOI guidelines.
• ONGC be directed through the administrative ministry for out of Court settlement in long pending “Agrani Samman” case amicably with the Petitioner Association, who have the absolute mandate from all other retired employees/officers associations for dealing in “Agrani Samman” on behalf of all retirees, at the earliest before some more retirees die waiting for justice. They should also be directed to remove total discrimination among the homogenous group of retirees by deleting all illegal clauses like arbitrary cut of dates and unlawful deductions from the date of implementation of the scheme.
• ONGC may also be directed to abide by the law and put on hold any revision in the 2007 PRBS Defined Pension Scheme pending settlement of “Agrani Samman” Scheme, since their 2007 PRBS Defined Pension Scheme is now part of the documents submitted in Bombay High Court WP/531/2009 and the matter is subjudice. Any change in 2007 scheme will have to wait disposal of WP 531/2009 by the Bombay High Court or a negotiated settlement with Petitioner Association.
• ONGC should also be advised to formulate a single D.A. Linked Transparent Pension Scheme for all retirees past as well as future w.e.f. 1st January 2007 to maintain uniformity instead of having multiple schemes to avoid corruption in future.
Humbly submitted for your kind and urgent consideration.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
(m. rangarajan)
On behalf of 21000+ silently suffering retirees of ONGC
Copy to:
1. Smt Sonia Gandhi, MP, Chairperson, United Front Government, 10, Janpath, New Delhi – 110011.
2. Sri Manmohan Singh, Hon Prime Minister, 7, Race Course Road, New Delhi – 110011.
3. Sri Lal Krishna Advani, MP, 30, Prithviraj Road, New Delhi – 110011.
4. Sri Jaipal Reddy, Hon Minister of Petroleum & Natural Gas, 8, Tees January Marg, New Delhi – 110011.
5. Secretary, Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievences, 5th floor, Sardar Patel Bhavan, New Delhi – 110001.
6. Sri Sudhir Vasudeva, CMD, ONGC, Jeevan Bharti Tower II, 124, Indira Chowk, New Delhi - 110001
Like · Unfollow Post · December 14, 2011 at 4:58pm
Prem Sagar Gupta and Inder Chatta like this.
Srinivas C. Komanduri
Dear Rangarajan,
I appreciate the initiative you have taken and written such nice letter. I feel you should be following up with details of some of the scheme which you mentioned in the letter like PRBS 2003, PRBS2007, Agrani Samman and o...See More
December 14, 2011 at 9:13pm via · Like
Badrinath Vasandi we should be proud being led by people like mr Mathre Rangarajan..thanks for his initiative..
December 15, 2011 at 10:06am · Like · 1
Mathre Rangarajan
Thank you Sri Srinivas Kamanduri Saheb for your kind words - Even if attach
all relevant documents, it will be difficult for an unconnected person to understand - If NHRC want any clarification or explanation, we can submit
it when they tak...See More
December 15, 2011 at 12:12pm via · Unlike · 1
Jauhari Lal
Dear Sirs,
Once again I daresay that this is the free forum for everyone to write any thing one likes and write to any authority they want without understanding whether they have any role to play. No one is authorized to write anythin...See More
December 16, 2011 at 6:00pm via · Unlike · 7
Erippanal Damodaran Respected Jauhari Lal Sir,Greetings of the Day!
Thank you Sir, for your kind guidance on the postings on this forum. Also thank you for the update of our pending case with the Ministry. We look forward for your kind advice and guidance further too. With kind Regards..
December 16, 2011 at 6:57pm · Like
Inder Chatta A very good encourraging and hope full information ,I onbehalf of my co-suferers hole heartedly am thankful to you Shri Johri Lal ji,hope you and the other associates shall see the scheme through to reach the benifits to all of us.
December 16, 2011 at 7:19pm · Like · 1
Mathre Rangarajan
Respected Jauhari Lal Saheb,
I have a feeling that you are referring to my appeal to NHRC with copies to others - I have re-read the appeal again and again, I don't find any
derogatory remarks. I have made only factual statement.
...See More
December 17, 2011 at 4:10pm via · Unlike · 6
Prem Sagar Gupta Solute to you Dear Mathre Rangarajan for explaining ,this is the true condition of 99 % of the honest retires of ongc between 1995 to 2007,God bless you,every one has to appear in his court for explanation one destine day not fr away.
December 17, 2011 at 4:35pm · Like · 2
Erippanal Damodaran Respected Mahtre Mathre Rangarajan Sir, I think you have made a realistic account of the pathetic condition of Ex-ONGCians in an emotional way. The element of emotion is a reality.
Even a retired bank employ gets a dignified pension...
May God bless you with good health for some more years to see at least what the out put of this present efforts and promises.
With that prayer and kind regards...
December 17, 2011 at 5:52pm · Unlike · 1
Prem Sagar Gupta
Respected sh Jauhari Lal ji,sir first of all your delegation visit to the sh P.K.Sinha is highly encouraging,and your team needs all the best wishes of serving the exongcians but sir why some one in ongc india not been doing any thing,if ...See More
December 17, 2011 at 8:35pm · Like
Narayan Singh Rathore
Friends, we are very anxious about hopes of some proposal under consideration. What happens if proposal is agreed but ONGC does not comply with the approved conditions ? You may be cursing me for raising such hypothetical question ! I am re...See More
December 18, 2011 at 3:26pm · Unlike · 3
Prem Sagar Gupta I entirely agree Capt Narayan Singh Rathore,to err is human,every one commits mistakes but one who recorrects is even appreciated by every one,it is still time for ongc india to take stock and act quickly,god bless.
December 18, 2011 at 3:31pm · Like
Narayan Singh Rathore
If we go thru MOU of 9.4.2007, it says "Following amendments have been made to the ONGC Self Contributory Post Retirement & Death in Service Benefit Rules, 1991." Para 32 of PRBS Rules provides that Rules could be amended provided the alter...See More
December 18, 2011 at 3:58pm · Like · 1
Narayan Singh Rathore
Dr. Jauhari Lal Sir, I fully appreciate your stand that no one can sign a document on behalf of all retirees of ONGC unless one is elected & duly authorised to do so. Sir, one thing has to be appreciated that some times anguish turns into a...See More
December 18, 2011 at 4:23pm · Like · 2
Prem Sagar Gupta
December 18, 2011 at 4:58pm · Like
Nirmal Kumar Srivastava
Excellent response by Mathre Rangarajan to the posting of Dr.Jauhari Lal who instead of appreciating his selfless action of a Crusader like Anna Hazare...started fuming by challanging his authority and language of his appeal.From the wordin...See More
December 18, 2011 at 6:39pm · Unlike · 2
Prem Sagar Gupta i happened to see your article on yahoo facebook for Agrani samman addressed to human right commission 2/3 days back was well explained with reasons of the greatest discriminations ever could happen by any PSU,
December 18, 2011 at 10:03pm · Like
Mathre Rangarajan
I fully agree and endorse the view expressed by Dr Jauhari Lal Saheb:
*"On one hand we are requesting the management to look into our grievances
but such letters are just provocative."*
...See More
December 19, 2011 at 1:42pm via · Like · 1
Mathre Rangarajan One major correction - I have made a blunder in using the the expression
"After all are beggars" - I have no authority to use word "WE" - I am not
an elected representative - So please correct that sentence to "After all I
am a beggar" - Dr Jauhari Lal Shaeb will have serious objection to it. - I
am sorry.
You may add 'several NGOs' after 'Mahila Samithi'
December 19, 2011 at 2:23pm via · Unlike · 2
December 19, 2011 at 2:56pm · Unlike · 1
December 19, 2011 at 3:09pm · Like
Subhash Jetly Angered perhaps, by this suffocating drag along expression----the crux of bullying the cause of unification.
December 20, 2011 at 12:37pm · Unlike · 2
Jauhari Lal
Dear Sh Rangarajan,
I am restraining myself to prolonging comments and counter comments. A number of Ongcians had been writing to various authorities in the past and I never reacted. You held a very senior positions and I feel that a ...See More
December 20, 2011 at 7:44pm via · Unlike · 2
Amitabha Banerjee Dear Shri Jauhari Lal,regards. I am sorry to intervene,but compelled to opine with all humbleness that 'so called' frustrated letters by many to ONGC Authorities are really out of mere FRUSTRATION caused due to indifferent attitude of the management of the past,and present,too.Or,else,how can a serving Director/HR say in open that 'once an employee retires ,he is practically a NOBODY to the Organisation....
December 20, 2011 at 9:09pm · Like · 2
Amitabha Banerjee
contd...Kindly try to understand,irrespective of ur opinion regarding all Board Members having sympathy to our cause....we are not,at this age,are looking for Sympathies....we are demanding justice and some pay-back by ONGC as recognition f...See More
December 20, 2011 at 9:31pm · Like
Prem Sagar Gupta Dear Amitabha Banerjee these are not only your opinion but all of us"we are not,at this age,are looking for Sympathies....we are demanding justice and some pay-back by ONGC as recognition for our selfless contribution towards growth of this Organisation to this level"very very selective few words to convey sr citizens point of view,i solute you once again.
December 20, 2011 at 9:47pm · Like
Mathre Rangarajan
Thank you very much Dr Jauhari Lal Saheb for you kind mail and very kind
words - I am touched - I was very hurt that you did not e-mil me directly
in the first instance. Now that we understand each other and there are no
hard feelings - I k...See More
December 20, 2011 at 9:52pm via · Like · 2
Prem Sagar Gupta Thanks Dear .Mathre Rangarajan ,we all appreciate your appeal
December 20, 2011 at 9:58pm · Like
Narayan Singh Rathore
Friends, good morning. We in Indians read philosophy, consume philosophy, practise philosophy and tolerate nuisance to the extent it starts cracking us. Swami Vivekananda openly denounced British policy of preaching religion thru Missionari...See More
December 21, 2011 at 4:55am · Like · 2
Amitabha Banerjee Thanks PS Gupta jee,nice to feel that I am not Frustrated alone.....
December 21, 2011 at 10:53am · Like · 2
Badrinath Vasandi whatsoever the problem if one remains active there is nothing like frustration.....Mr. Nirmal Kumar Srivastava and Capt. Narayan Singh
Rathore would testify my statement...frustration is some thing for lazy, week and inactive person...I fully agree with Mr. Rathore that CMD is not to be made known for the wrong done...but also to compel him to redress the things..
December 21, 2011 at 11:01am · Like · 2
Amitabha Banerjee Good thing about this ex-ongcians'net is that one get unsolicited ad vices having any validity to original reference.....
December 21, 2011 at 11:34am · Unlike · 2
Badrinath Vasandi Mr. Amitabha Banerjee...this forum is for this very purpose...all these advices and submissions are for common cause....some may like some things and some may not.....but i fail to understand what prompted u to o make such comments...what is purpose....each and every members here is very respectable...let him to express....
December 21, 2011 at 11:40am · Like · 1
Prem Sagar Gupta Dear sh Amitabha Banerjee & sh Badrinath Vasandi ji,there is no difference in undersatanding between you both except refs to validity to original refs,i will invite both of you in Ahmedabad on new year day for a get togather,which is missing,we must organise such meets say once in three of luck sir.
December 21, 2011 at 8:47pm · Like · 1
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