Saturday, November 5, 2011

Encouraging Spiritual Poems

Where do I go from here?

Where does life start or end
When there are so many bends?
Can it be there is no beginning?
No ending or between?
Perhaps it is just becoming, existing and
The endlessness of being.

Look for where the brightest light shines
To show your path to you
One with all the signs
That point to a better view
Travel round the roadblocks
Whenever they appear and remember!

When life is clear
Spirit is near so trust and progress
And let go of fear.

Julie Stuart October'95

Even on the darkest night,
the stars shine bright.
there is a ray of light.
We don't have to See,
to believe
But we do need to Ask
to receive
Julie Stuart, A New Dawn, Encouraging Spiritual Words,

This moment can be
A New Dawn,
A New Day....
and move on
Ask your self;
Do I wish to keep repeating the pattern?
Perhaps it's time for something NEW
Julie Stuart,A New Dawn, Encouraging Spiritual Words,

For just a few seconds
Allow your self to experience
the Feeling of complete and utter freedom
Just the divine stillness of a peacful mind at rest
Ahhh...Now that IS Bliss
Julie Stuart
A New Dawn/Encouraging Spiritual Words

encouraging poems Now for a selection of Marlene's inspiring words......As long as she can remember Marlene has had a communication with her angels as did her mother and grandmother. This communication often comes in the form of automatic verse, messages from spirit.When Marlene first saw Julie's collection of 30 artworks of the Soul Dimensions she found herself asking if she could put the words to this body of work and soon the beautiful encouraging words for Soul Dimensions Guidance were here for all to enjoy.

Today is all there is
Live to the best of your ability
Be Patient
It’s easy!
Why make it difficult.
Marlene Rose
Soul Dimensions
Encouraging Spiritual Wisdom

Clarity comes from
Inner Vision
It is your inner knowing
Looking at Truth

Listen to the voice
of your heart
What is it saying

Focus on the
Incredible Creation
You are

A temple
Holding a spark of divinity

Marlene Rose Soul Dimensions
Encouraging Spiritual Wisdom

Life force flows through me....
and resides in me.
I hold the spark of Eternity within me.....
When I open my mind to this possibility..
All is well in my world.
I align with Universal Truth and Harmony
As I choose to love,
I am loved tenfold.
As I choose to see Light,
my eyes are opened even further.
Marlene Rose
The 23rd Psalm/Encouraging Spiritual Words

Yes you are deeply and truly loved
Yes you are extremely valuable
Yes you are Forgiven
Yes Beloved
Marlene Rose
Soul Dimensions/Encouraging Spiritual Words

Be alive in every moment
Delight in small things…
A raindrop, a shell
Be in awe of grand things……
The sky, the sea, a symphony, a smile, love.
Be conscious in your enjoyment.
Marlene Rose
Soul Dimensions
Words of Spiritual Wisdom

So why not start TODAY to-

Choose Happiness
Choose Life
Choose to be Embraced
Choose to Know who you really are
Choose to Let go

Choose to

Stop carrying the past
See how light you feel
Choose to Walk on
Without your Burden

Get used to

Don't regret the changes

Marlene Rose Soul Dimensions
Encouraging Spiritual Wisdom

Serenity Prayer
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time; accepting hardship as the pathway to peace.
That I may be reasonably happy in this life,
and supremely happy with Him forever in the next.
Reinhold Niebuhr
spiritual healing poems

May today there be peace within.

May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.

May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.

May you use those gifts that you have received and pass on the love that has been given to you....

May you be content knowing you are a child of God.

Let this presence settle into your bones and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love.

Amen. Prayer of St Theresa 'the little flower'

Saint Theresa the Saint of the Little Ways. Meaning she believed in doing the little things in life well and with great love.

encouraging verse

This above all: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.
William Shakespeare

Prayer of ST.Francis
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace;
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.

Amen. Anon. Prayer of ST. Francis [traced back to 1912]

inspired verse

Don’t Quit
When things go wrong
As they sometimes will,
When the road you’re
Trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low,
And the debts are high,
and you want to smile,
But you have to sigh,
When care is pressing
you down a bit-
Rest if you must,
but don’t you quit,
Success is failure
Turned inside out,
The silver tint of
the clouds of doubt;
And you never can tell
how close you are,
It may be near
when it seems afar.
So stick to the fight
When you’re hardest hit-
It’s when things go wrong
That you mustn’t quit.
Author Unknown

There is beauty in the forest
When the trees are green and fair,
There is beauty in the meadow
When wild flowers scent the air,
There is beauty in the sunlight
And the soft blue beams above.
Oh, the world is full of beauty
When the heart is full of love.
Unknown Author
inspired and encouraging words

May you always have enough happiness to keep you sweet,
Enough trials to keep you strong,
Enough success to keep you eager,
Enough faith to give you courage,
And enough determination to make each day a good day.

One Who Loves

I believe in a big God–
One who loves
the liar,
the murderer,
the cheat.

You say this is
the road to anarchy.

But it’s only in the arms of
such a God
we find
our sanity,
our unity,
our peace.

It’s OK to believe in a God who is loving enough to love you whatever you have done.

“For as high as the heavens are above the earth,
so great is his love for those who fear him;
as far as the east is from the west,
so far has he removed our transgressions from us.” (Psalm 103, NIV, The Bible)

© Katherine T Owen, 2011. Published here with her permission.

Other spiritual poems from Katherine T Owen

For an explanation of the release – It’s OK to...

butterfly spiritual poem
If you have enjoyed these encouraging spiritual poems and words of wisdom you may enjoy the following pages of spiritual inspiration.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Are Negative Emotions More Important than Positive Emotions?

In the Name of Love
A Philosopher Looks at Our Deepest Emotions
by Aaron Ben-Zeév

Are Negative Emotions More Important than Positive Emotions?

The average person considers herself happier than the average person.
Published on July 18, 2010 by Aaron Ben-Zeév, Ph.D. in In the Name of Love

"There can be no rainbow without a cloud and a storm." John H. Vincent

In order to explain and understand emotions, we can divide them into two groups: The emotions we term 'positive' and those that we term 'negative'. On this issue, there are two major claims that appear to be contradictory: (a) that negative emotions are more noticeable, and (b) that, because people typically consider themselves to be happy, the average person considers herself to be happier than the average person. How can this apparent paradox explained?

Before examining these claims, let me clarify that in speaking about positive and negative emotions, I refer to their psychological, rather than moral nature.
From a psychological viewpoint, a positive emotion is one that involves a positive evaluation of the object, a positive type of motivation, and an agreeable feeling. From a moral viewpoint, a positive, or rather good, emotion is one that is positively evaluated in the light of moral values. The two perspectives may conflict: for example, pleasure-in-others'-misfortune is a positive emotion from a psychological viewpoint, but negative from a moral one; compassion is a negative emotion from a psychological viewpoint, but positive from a moral one. Love is positive from both perspectives.
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(a) Negative emotions are more noticeable. Although for every negative emotion we may find a corresponding positive emotion, negative emotions are more differentiated than positive emotions. Thus, there are considerably more ways to describe negative emotional experiences than there are for positive ones. Interestingly, even though English contains more words with positive than negative connotations, the reverse is true of words describing the emotions. Indeed, we do not have satisfactory terms for all our positive emotions. In fact, people ruminate about events that induce strong negative emotions five times as long as they do about events that induce strong positive ones. Hence, it is no wonder that people tend to recall negative experiences more readily than positive ones. The love-hate pair seems to be an exception: love is more common and noticeable than hate, and there are indeed more types of love than of hate. There is little doubt then that love is both more noticeable and powerful in our everyday life.

A major reason for the more noticeable role of negative emotions is that they possess greater functional value. The risks of responding inappropriately to negative events are greater than the risks of responding inappropriately to positive events, since negative events can kill us while positive events will merely enhance our well-being.

Moreover, a greater variety of response options is needed to cope with potential harm than is needed to "cope" with potential good. In a sense, one does not need to "cope" with good fortune. Moreover, there are more ways in which a situation can be unpleasant than pleasant, and there are more ways to ruin something than to build it. Further, an individual who is governed by the seeking of pleasure more than by the avoidance of pain would not survive. Another relevant consideration in this regard is that negative emotions are often experienced when a goal is blocked; this requires the construction of new plans to attain the blocked goal or the formation of a new goal to compensate for the blocked one. In contrast, positive emotions are usually experienced when a goal is achieved. Accordingly, negative emotions require more cognitive resources to be allocated for dealing with the given situation.

These considerations are compatible with the findings that people who are depressed are more realistic than those who are optimistic, and those who are perceptive are more likely to be pessimistic and depressed because they have a more accurate picture of life and its troubles. Nevertheless, most people appreciate optimism more than pessimism. In Shakespeare's Love's Labour's Lost, the Princess of France says: "A heavy heart bears not a humble tongue." In light of the above claims, we could add to that: "A heavy heart bears not a deceptive eye."

(b) People typically consider themselves to be happy. The majority of people see themselves as above-average as far as most of their qualities are concerned and they rate their happiness as more than one-third above the middle of the scale. This means that our baseline is above average in the positive realm. A major advantage of such a rating is that it has motivational value, which is important in coping with our surroundings and which produces a strong immune response to infections. While sad and pessimistic people can better perceive and understand their environment, happy and optimistic people can better cope with their environment.

The above two claims are not necessarily incompatible] -being happy could allow threatening negative events to be noticed quicker.

In accordance with the above considerations, Nico Frijda has suggested what he calls "The Law of Hedonic Asymmetry," which states that pleasure is always contingent on change and disappears with continuous satisfaction, whereas pain may persist under persisting adverse conditions. Frijda further explains that emotions exist in order to signal situations in the world that require a response. Since in his view positive circumstances do not need a specific response, the emotional signaling system can be switched off.

The more noticeable nature of negative emotions does not imply that their impact on our life is greater. This issue is connected to our general view of human beings, and there are conflicting views on this matter. Thus, Spinoza argues: "A desire that arises from joy is stronger, other things being equal, than one that arises from sadness." Spinoza connects this contention to his assumption that the very essence of a person is a striving to persevere in his being. Similarly, while Adam Ferguson claims that "pain, by its intenseness, its duration, or frequency, is greatly predominant", he thinks that "love and compassion are the most powerful principles in the human breast." Ferguson believes that positive emotions are more compatible with our basic positive disposition toward others. Descartes' view is different: "Sadness is in some way primary and more necessary than joy, and hatred more necessary than love."

While an empirical investigation might determine whether negative emotions are more noticeable, it is more difficult to verify empirically which type of emotion has a greater impact on our life. However, in this issue I tend to agree with Spinoza and Ferguson.

To sum up, negative emotions are more noticeable than positive ones since attending to negative events is more important for our survival than attending to positive events. This does not necessarily imply that negative emotions have a more important role in our lives. The emotions that are more frequent and obvious are not always the more significant. In any case, love, in all its forms, seems to be one of the most significant and powerful emotion in our lives.

The above considerations can be encapsulated in the following statement that a lover might express: "Darling, although you are so good at detecting all my negative traits, from time to time please try to put on the rose -colored glasses through which some of my positive traits will be more easily discerned."

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Why Men Want Sex and Women Want Love

Why Men Want Sex and Women Want Love

Sex and LoveMen are frustrated with women because they never want sex.
Women are frustrated with men because they always want sex.

Women blame men they don’t know how to love.
Men blame women that they only talk about love but don’t want to make it.

Whether you are a man or a woman, reading this article can change your life - finally, you will be able to get rid of your frustrations about the opposite gender.

The reason humans want sex is due to the hormone testosterone, which is predominantly male hormone. A normal male’s body produces 20 times more of this hormone than a female’s.

In other words, a male feels the same way after one day without sex as a female after 20 days without sex. A male that has not had sex in 20 days feels the same way as a female after more than a year without sex.

Knowing this simple difference, you can already understand the pain of the opposite gender. It’s NOT their fault: they are made this way! It’s in our genes! This is the reason why men are men and women are women.

Men and women are DIFFERENT.
Not better or worse, just different.

A man can father a child every time he has sex, and a woman can only mother a child every two years or so. This means, a woman HAS TO be picky about who she allows to have sex with her.

For generations women were paying too high a price for making a wrong choice. Women that have chosen men with bad genes had a weaker offspring and their children struggled to survive. Women that have chosen men with good genes had a stronger offspring and their children survived disproportionally. Those children were carrying their picky mother’s genes and this is why those female genes were passed to us.

On the other hand, men never had adverse consequences of making a wrong choice. The more children they produced, the higher was their chance to pass their genes to future generations, as some of them would certainly survive. While men were determined to seek better genes too, they had to grab all chances to procreate coming their way to ensure their genes would be passed forward. The men that ONLY stuck with one woman (even a high quality woman) were losing genetically to the men that used all of their opportunities and had many more children that survived. Those children were carrying their father’s promiscuous genes, and this is why those male genes were passed to us.

By Nature men are made to seek as much sex as they can get, so they can spread their seed wider.

By Nature women are made to seek as many admirers as they can get, so they can make a better choice and get the best seed.

Men seek quantity - women seek quality.

This is why men seek sex and women seek love.

Love is the proof that a woman needs to have some assurance that the man will stick around and help her with the upbringing of the offspring. For a woman, sex is the culmination of her emotional commitment to a man.

For a man, sex is a physical act that eases the testosterone pressure he experiences constantly. Only after this tension has gone, can a man feel love towards a woman. This is why it often happens that men disappear after they got what they wanted: it wasn’t love; it was the testosterone pressure. Sex for men is the reality check of their passion.

This is why having sex early in the relationship is hazardous for women: the man has not had the time to develop any romantic feelings for her. He needs time to develop those feelings, and the only way to do it is through keeping the sexual tension going for as long as practicable. Sex must be attainable, nearly possible - but not quite. When the sexual tension is at its peak, its release is mind-blowing - and once is never enough, which lays a proper foundation for a future relationship – and love.

Men fall in love through sex; women fall in sex through love.

All of this happens on the unconscious level - we do NOT realize what’s going on.

But the reason why you are here today and alive is because each and every of your ancestors, men and women, acted true to their instincts and managed to attract at least one sexual partner and produce an offspring.

So, there is no need to be bitter about men wanting sex and women wanting love. Those two are the necessary pieces of the puzzle called Survival Of The Species.

And you’ll be better off understanding what the other gender is going through and giving them exactly what they want: a mind-blowing sex or exhilarating love.

Go get ‘em! :-)

By Elena Solomon,